Hello! Algae 藻-Zhenjing Lang


Hello! Algae

你好! 藻

Hello! Algae 是Zhenjing Lang在就讀Royal College of Art 皇家藝術學院產品設計碩士學位的另一個設計作品。她的作品 Hello! Algae 是為了促進循環生物經濟並提供經濟和環境的解決方案的設計。


Humanity’s impact on the environment has become undeniable and will continue to manifest itself in ways already familiar to us, except on a grander scale. In a warmer world, heavier floods, more intense droughts, and unpredictable, violent, and increasingly frequent storms could become a new normal. 

During the project, it will be explored the alternative approach towards urban farming by focusing on cultivating, harvesting and consuming ‘Spirulina’ in the urban context so as the to bridge the gap between the urban and yore natural as well as introducing ways in which the superfood becomes part of our daily diet.  Spirulina is one of the oldest foods in the world, and also it is considered as the food for the future. It has been approved by NASA. It is excellent food, lacking toxicity and having corrective properties against viral attacks, anaemia, tumour growth and malnutrition.

This project is an alga hydroponic farm which is a homeware device, with an automated ecosystem, for individual or family use at home, so that we can produce food much closer to where it’s consumed. Targeting vegans who want plant-based food, also for people who want to switch from pharmaceutical dietary supplements to natural how grown alternatives.


Zhenjing 指出,我們生活在一個更加溫暖的世界中,洪水氾濫,乾旱更加嚴重,不可預測的暴力和日益頻繁的風暴可能會成為新的常態。如果供應沒有受到破壞,她認為我們將面臨稱為Food Insecurity的狀況。


Render Feature 渲染圖 01

Render Feature 渲染圖 02 

Friends of the Earth 的一份報告稱,全球不斷變化的氣體中有14.5%是由於肉類和乳製品的生產而導致。高肉飲食會導致早期死亡;人類浪費食物,全世界有50%的可食用肉用於生產人類食物,有80億隻動物被肉殺死。巨大的肉食消耗造成森林砍伐,廢物處置,生物多樣性喪失,能源消耗並影響糧食生產率。更嚴重的是,它使水的新鮮度降低,導致全球變暖,水土流失,草原遭到破壞,並最終對人類自身造成生活方式疾病。塞拉俱樂部報導。 


數 據 


Significant data - partial

The supply chain is getting worse due to growing population and damaged resources. The research is mainly focused on the facts that human being is facing and Spirulina, what benefits it can offer as future food.

設 計 想 法

藻類養殖場有三個主要功能區域:種植,排水和採集區域,用於種植,收穫和消費。關注其他細節,如如何防止藻類從外部元素,如何實現自動化的生態系統,並為用戶帶來可訪問 性,以彌合城市與過去的自然之間的差距。


An algae farm has 3 main functional sections, growing, draining and collecting section for cultivation, harvest and consumption. Concerning of other details like how to prevent algae from external elements and how to achieve the automated eco-system, and bringing accessibility to users, in the context so as to bridge the gap between the urban and yore natural.

Product instructions

實 驗


這個實驗過程是基於HealthAlgae的首席執行官和創始人馬庫斯·尼伯格(Marcus Nyberg)的說明。


Control variable method is the way to test growing Spirulina, the practical speed and requirements in normal living conditions, and to find out what needs to be designed to the product to keep it growing steadily.

The experimenting process is based on the instructions by Marcus Nyberg, the CEO & Founder of HealthAlgae.

Prototyping and validation

Zhenjing Lang
Royal College of Art 

Zhenjing Lang ,一名產品設計師,於2020畢業於Royal College of Art 皇家藝術學院產品設計碩士學位。她的作品 Hello! Algae 是為了促進循環生物經濟並提供經濟和環境的解決方案為設計。


她歡迎各種項目機會,喜歡挑戰。這已經成為她擴展自己界限的哲學。朗在她所做的各種項目中 — 實驗項目、概念項目、開源項目和醫學領域 — 不斷探索自己作為一名多學科設計師的能力。Royal College of Art 皇家藝術學院為郎提供了她一生中最有意義的旅行,無論是個人還是為她未來的職業生涯做準備。



arts x materials 材料研究室歡迎不同合作方式

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