Chlorophyll-Film 葉綠素膜 - Shiyi Liang

農業地膜設計 Chlorophyll-film

Chlorophyll Film 農業地膜設計是 Shiyi Liang 於Royal College of Art 英國皇家藝術學院 Innovation Design Engineering (MA/MSc), School of Design就讀時的畢業作品。

Shiyi Liang 今年2020 皇家藝術學院 MA Innovation Design Engineering的畢業生,該設計專案走了一條顛覆性的創新路線,透過這一種新的材料研究開發,從實際應用的角度出發,圍繞新的生物材料進行構思和測試。該專案的關鍵創新部分是以農業廢棄物為原料的新型生物可降解材料,試圖直接和間接地滿足從農民到製造商的各方利益。

Chlorophyll – the film is a new type of mulching film for small-holding salad farms. By extracting from salad wastes from farm, Chlorophyll – film is able to absorb more heat from sun lighting during the summer season. Combined with the pest trap, the local high heat area works as the target for pest control in an organic way.

包裝與回收 Package & Recycle

Chlorophyll-film package


The project Chlorophyll-film aimed at exploring how new materials and new methods can disrupt the farming activities in small-holding salad farms in a sustainable way. The project developed a sustainable solution combining a pest-control material, farming planning, and corresponding service to achieve a new salad farming concept.

農業地膜設計專案的利益相关者地圖 Stakeholder Mapping



The project took a disruptive innovation route ideating and testing around the new bio material from a real application perspective. The key innovation part of the project Chlorophyll-film is the new biodegradable material originated from farm waste, trying to meet the profits of all parties from farmers to manufacturers directly and indirectly. 

The new materials provide an unconventional way to control pest in salad farming, and to reduce the investments on pesticides. The innovative way to combine the new material with traditional reusable mulching film encourages farmers to farm in a more sustainable way. The farming planning of mulching film explores new possibilities for next generation farmers to reconsider scientific farming. A few technology demonstrators were developed in the project, which steered the project towards a commercially- driven brief.

實時相機拍攝 live camera capture

現場試驗 field test

農業地膜設計的操作過程 The operation process of agricultural design

地膜製作 Film Manufacture

用戶旅程 User Journey

實驗過程 Experiment procedure 01

實驗過程 Experiment procedure 02

實驗過程 Experiment procedure 03

不同膠片的測試 different film solution 
實驗顏色測試 Experimental colour Test 01

實驗原型操作 Experimental prototype operation

實驗原型操作 Experimental prototype operation 01

實驗原型操作 Experimental prototype operation 02

Medium: Mulching film, salad waste
Size: 6 months

梁世一  Shiyi Liang

Degree Details
School of Design
Innovation Design Engineering (MA/MSc)

arts x materials 材料研究室歡迎不同合作方式

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Location: 英國倫敦

