The Texture of Insecurity 不安的肌理 - Shixiu Liu

Shooting 01 — 這項工作是在Dubied機器上用絲綢和彈力紗製作的,靈感來自於動物的攻擊性行為——站立的皮毛。

Shooting 01 — This work was working on Dubied machine with silk and elastic yarn, and inspired by the animal offensive behaviour - standing the fur.

How can knitting express the relationship between body and emotions?


The Texture of Insecurity 不安的肌理是 Shixiu Liu 於Royal College of Art 英國皇家藝術學院於畢業所設計的紡織作品。Shixiu Liu 今年2020 皇家藝術學院 MA Textiles - Knit 專業的畢業生。她透過自身為出發點,以靈感來源於自己的易緊張體質。

Shixiu指出她常常有“我就不應該在這裡”,“我不夠好”的想法。並為此感到苦惱和不安。所以做了不安的肌理這個項目。在調研過程中瞭解到這種情況可以稱之為“冒充者綜合症(Impostor syndrome)”,又稱自我能力否定傾向,在別人眼中是有成績的,但他們覺得自己沒有能力取得成功,感覺是在欺騙他人,並且害怕被他人發現此欺騙行為的一種現象。

Shixiu Liu's work explores how feelings of self-perception shift through changes in body movements or posture. The starting point has been the contrast between personal experiences of 'imposter syndrome' contrasted with a feeling of great confidence. 

Shooting 02 — 通過隱藏人臉來消除個人身份,與觀眾分享緊張感。

Shooting 02 — Taking away personal identity by hiding the human face to share a sense of tension with the audience.


身體語言影響著別人對我們的看法,但也可能改變我們對自己的看法。Shixiu Liu把布料放在身體上,做了一些動作來表現身體和情緒是如何相互影響的。

'Tension' is the keyword throughout this collection, having both physical and 'metaphorical meanings; the contorted body, stressful emotions, and what is required to keep the yarn under during the knitting process. 

Skin, as a medium and canvas, conveys the emotions. Both the colour palette and material are inspired by human skin. Shixiu uses skin-like, and hair-like, yarns to express this concept through her knitted fabric.

Insecure texture_01 — 肢體語言暴露了你是誰。這個樣品的靈感來自扭曲的身體和頭髮,表現出不安全的情緒。

Insecure texture_01 — Body language exposes who you are. This sample was inspired by contorted body and hair, showing insecure emotions.

Insecure texture_02 — 這個樣品的靈感來自於紅色的皮膚,在彈性針織面料中鑲嵌5層單絲,展示了紊亂的大腦。

Insecure texture_02 — This sample was inspired by the red skin and inlaid 5ply monofilament yarns in stretchy knitted fabric to show the disordered brain.

Insecure texture_03 — 這個樣本比另外兩個樣本與皮膚紋理的關係更密切。

Insecure texture_03 — This sample is more related to skin texture compared with another two samples.

視覺化顏色和材料  Visualize colours and Materials


The colours and materials come from the body, the slightly reddened skin tone and the use of yarn like skin and hair to better convey tension.

How the body communicates tension, a distorted body, enlarged pores, and raised hair.

How is it represented by knitting?

布料可能的應用 Possible Applications of Fabrics


Texture;Responses;Emotions — Body language affects how others see us, but it may also change how we see ourselves. I put the fabric on the body and did some movements to present how body and emotions influence each other.

This project is much more about personal experience and textured textiles were developed around the topic 'imposter syndrome'.

Shixiu Liu 為紡織設計師,並使用編織 Knitting作為表達媒介。 她熱愛紡織面料的易讀性,用情感創造出精緻的面料。 她擅長於研究和發展概念性想法,以及用紗線講故事。 她想將自己的工作放在功能和概念之間。

Shixiu Liu defines herself as a designer, using knitting as an expressive medium. She loves the legibility of fabric, creating delicate fabrics with emotions. She is good at doing research and developing conceptual ideas, as well as telling the story with yarns. She would like to set her work somewhere between function and concept.

Shixiu Liu

Royal College of Art, The UK
Keywords: Skin, Movement, Material Narratives

Title: The texture of insecurity

Ins: shixiu.liu

贊助商 Sponsors 

The Textile Society
Student bursaries and award

arts x materials 材料研究室歡迎不同合作方式

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