The Earth Cries 土壤(地球)的吶喊 - Chaerin Hwang

這精美且具實驗性的畢業設計作品是來自韓國設計師Chaerin Hwang,今年2019 University of the Arts London 切爾西藝術學院 Chelsea College of Arts BA Textile 紡織設計學系。

這是一個設計是透過作品的來反思人類我們平時最需要的“ 吃 eating ”的現代習慣,做一個反思與批判的設計作品,就由發起一連串以食物餐具為素材,以「再設計」的角度出發來探討將食品餐具的製作過程,來探索食物與人類、食物與社會之間的連結與可能性,並試圖賦予其更多的社會意義。

名為“ 土壤(地球)的吶喊 The Earth Cries ”是一系列實驗性美食餐具,與當今因生活方式和全球化變化導致的不良飲食習慣為設計啟發點。在現今社會,我們生活在危機中,食品的內容和生產僅為了經濟利益。而這些生產食物的大公司們剝奪了人類我們了解自己身體內部的基本權利。因為由於我們繼續忽視了解我們的食物,及其由其他人控制的來源,我們對自己的身體做了更多的傷害與錯誤判斷。

”The Earth Cries“ is a collection of experimental gastronomic dishwares which corresponds to today's epidemic on poor eating habits due to change of lifestyle and globalization. We are living in a crisis where the content and the production of food is concealed solely for financial profit. We are deprived of the fundamental right to know what we are putting inside our own bodies. As we continue to neglect to understand that our food and its sources are controlled by someone else, we are doing more wrong against our own bodies. 

這一系列的設計講述了一個人的靈魂,幾乎向自己哭泣,打開一個人的眼睛,質疑食物的起源。這設計主要是受到散文家和環保活動家 Wendell Berry 溫德爾‧貝瑞 Wendell Berry 的啟發,“地球之聲”系列反映了“ The Pleasure of Eating 吃的樂趣(1990)”的教誨。吃的樂趣的一個重要部分是對一個人的生活和世界的準確意識每種食物都有從土壤到盤子的故事,發現背景使自己能夠從新的角度,新體驗中獲得食物。

The design series speaks to one's soul, almost crying out to oneself to open one's eye and question the origins of the food. Inspired by essayist and environmental activist Wendell Berry, 'The Earth Cries' series reflects on the teachings from "The Pleasure of Eating (1990)'. 'A significant part of the pleasure of eating is in one's accurate consciousness of the lives and the world from which food comes'. Every food has a story from the soil onto the plate and discovering the background enables oneself to encounter food from a new perspective, a new experience. 

Ps. 全名為 Wendell Erdman Berry 的 溫德爾‧貝瑞Wendell Berry 他是一位長年倡導永續農耕的早期理論家、也是一位道德與傳統的擁護者、是拒絕使用拖拉機的著名農人、亦是反對過度使用電腦科技的傑出作家與時事環保批判者。

Berry 時常針貶時事的政治哲學。1970年代,他將新穎的環保觀念結合傳統土地情感,讓環保理念看起來更成熟。隨後,他點出未受限制的市場成長以及科技擴張,對社會價值和生態環境的衝擊,讓「保守派」看起來有如莽撞的未來主義者。


Each dish sculpture tells the story of how food is prepared through first-hand food production linking to primitive cooking techniques. The unique shape and functionality of each design enable oneself to interact food in different approaches, therefore leading oneself to enter into a curiosity of what is going to be eaten and how it is going to be eaten. 

“ The Earth Cries ”菜餚系列的質地和材料質量來自平時隨手可得的茶包來進行材料實驗。並作為地球上土壤的視覺隱喻。由於土壤的狀態受到諸如溫度,濕度,雨水等自然現象的影響,因此可以說是另一種的“茶袋”。然而,茶包的表面質量受水溫的影響。當茶粉與高溫水接觸時,從這裡提取茶粉成分作為著色水分,然後將茶紙著色。

The textural and material quality of 'The Earth Cries' dish collection is led from material experimentation of tea bags which serves as a visual metaphor of soil on earth. As the state of soil is influenced by natural phenomena such as temperature, humidity, rain, etc. such can be said for tea bags. The surface quality of a tea bag is influenced by the temperature of the water. As the tea powder comes into contact with high-temperature water, from here extracts the component of tea powder as tinted moisture which then pigments the tea paper.

Chaerin Hwang

University of the Arts London 
Chelsea College of Arts BA Textile

Instagram: @chaerinhwang

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