FreshTag 透過材料監控食物的新鮮指標 - Rui Xu

徐 睿 Rui Xu

徐睿 Rui Xu 織品設計師,是一位紡織品與新創設計師。 於2019畢業於Royal College of Art 皇家藝術學院MA(RCA) Textiles 織品設計碩士學位。

今年畢業於英國皇家藝術學院 Royal College of Art - MA Textiles 織品系Rui Xu開發了一種天然的pH敏感墨水來監測食物的新鮮度。作為檢測“最佳之前”‘best before’系統的替代品,FreshTag 提出了一種動態的,基於顏色的監測系統,提供有關特定食品狀況的實時信息。

Rui Xu has developed a natural pH-sensitive ink to monitor food freshness. As an alternative to the ‘best before’ system, FreshTag proposes a dynamic, color-based monitoring system, offering real-time information about the condition of a particular foodstuff.


FreshTag 最初的靈感來自於一項數據報告,研究表明,英國每個家庭每年浪費的食物價值800英鎊,總計150億英鎊。這不僅是一個經濟問題,而且會耗盡有限的自然資源。FreshTag能夠以其他產品無法做到的方式解決食品鏈和家庭中的食品浪費問題,在保證食物安全的同時最大限度地減少食物浪費。

Food waste is a major issue in society. It is not only an economic concern but also depletes the environment of limited natural resources. FreshTag is an innovative tool to reduce food waste and avoid undesirable reactions, especially in human health and wellbeing.

FreshTag 的發展和應用基於徐睿RuiXu研發的一款halochromic敏感油墨,作為「Best before」和「Use by」日期機制的替代品,FreshTag 提出了一種動態的、基於顏色變化的食物監控系統,它可以為消費者提供食物的實時信息,並通過顏色變化來指示產品的新鮮程度。

Rui Xu is developing a natural pH-sensitive dye system that can be applied to smart packaging. The crucial aspect in this packaging system is the change of the generic 'best before' and 'use by' dating mechanism – she proposes switching to a dynamic monitoring system.

FreshTag 作為一個動態反饋循環,簡單、準確直接地向消費者提供產品實時新鮮度的信息。因此,FreshTag 可以使傳統的包裝系統更加高效和可持續。

FreshTag can offer information about the food and environmental conditions in real-time, and detect and indicate food freshness through color change. This means adopting FreshTag can lead to a packaging system becoming more efficient and sustainable.


The work from this year’s Textiles program combines the mastery of traditional methods and materials with an experimental and future-focused concept of what textiles can do and be.

織品設計師:徐睿 Rui Xu
Royal College of Art 皇家藝術學院MA(RCA) Textiles

arts x materials 材料研究室歡迎不同合作方式

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