《 HIDE IN HERE 》- 藏 匿 於 此 - Rossy Liu

今年2019畢業於UAL倫敦藝術大學 London College of Communication GMD 倫敦傳播學院 (LCC) 的畢業生Rossy Liu 透過她對於平面設計的興趣與美感,製作出許多精美與極具個人風格的設計作品。 Rossy Liu目前是一位獨立平面設計師。 這次的畢業設計,她結合了《 HIDE IN HERE 》藏 匿 於 此 與 MUSHI 蟲 師 這兩個元素主題。

《 HIDE IN HERE 》 - 藏 匿 於 此 -(出版物

因為在探討北歐生活方式雜誌《OAK》的排版實習工作,以及Rossy Liu自身對於紙質出版業的濃厚興趣,她打算自己製作一本出版物。在偶然擺拜訪了Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities,被其奇特的藏品吸引視線以後,她得到靈感並決定了出版物的主題:一本關於不為人知,不宜所找的小型博物館的雜誌。在做了大量調研後,Rossy Liu擬定了一份表單,並在十一個備選中選擇了她覺得最富有戲劇性的兩個博物館。

Based on the internship for the Danish publisher, and her huge interest to the publishing industry, she decided to produce a magazine herself. After she accidentally visited Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities and attracted by its whimsical collections, she was inspired to design a publication about the hidden museums. After research, Rossy Liu made a list and chose two from it which she thought are the most dramatic ones.

《 HIDE IN HERE 》是R.L製造的第一期,名字來源於所介紹的地方的共同點。雜誌被分成兩個部分,分別介紹兩個位於倫敦的博物館:Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities 與 Pollock's Toy Museum。這裡有著迥異的故事與離奇怪誕的藏品 — 將家裡裝飾得閃閃發光的鼴鼠標本;騎在白骨上的蟻人;滿屋子目光呆滯的洋娃娃;和手工製作的紙質劇院。

倫敦是如此豐富充沛的城市,在這片土地上不僅盤踞著各異的大型博物館,也生長著珍奇古怪的小型博物館,或隱於酒吧的地下室,或藏匿在古老的閣樓里。這也是《HIDE IN HERE》所想跟讀者們分享的 — 去探索那些隱藏的,離奇的地方,去體會與大型博物館截然不同的迷人之處。

"HIDE IN HERE" is the first issue of R.L 製造 which means produced by Rossy Liu. This magazine will introduce and talk about two museums: Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities and Pollock's Toy Museum which are located in London that have their own unique histories and have kept a specific range of collection of unusual and secretive items such as anthropomorphic animal specimens or paper cutting figure theatres made by hands. 

London is such a big city that has raised a variety of enormously big and official museums but also allows the development of the small and local museums hiding in the basements or attics that are even more attractive and prosperous. This is what HIDE IN HERE wants to share with its readers, to explore the fascination of those hidden and quirky places. 

「 HIDE IN HERE 」 - 藏 匿 於 此 -( 藝 術 活 動 )

作為活動的 「HIDE IN HERE」 是基於出版物的擴展,考慮到雜誌篇幅的限制,只能向讀者介紹兩個博物館實屬遺憾,也因為仍然對這個主題充滿了興趣,Rossy Liu將紙質出版《HIDE IN HERE》延伸為了藝術文化活動的形式以豐富主題和內容,也增加了受眾群體。

While Rossy was doing research about hidden museums for HIDE IN HERE publication, she made a list of them and thought that would be a shame if they can’t be promoted. Based on her interest in branding, she decided to make an extension of the theme of the magazine but in a different form.

「 HIDE IN HERE 」 活動包括了五個博物館,基於此活動的「藏匿」理念,博物館的名字和準確地址等信息都以隱藏形式輸出,參與活動需要在線上購買門票,收到包裹後根據隨機發放的迷你海報破解出博物館的地址,再結合包裹中宣傳冊上的提示前往參觀。五個博物館都擁有自己相對應的海報,並呈首尾相接的形式貼在其他博物館裡,如:博物館2的海報可在博物館1找到,博物館3的海報可在博物館2找到,以此類推,博物館1的海報貼於博物館5。活動鼓勵參與者借取提示獲得展覽信息,增強探險性和成就感。

HIDE IN HERE is a cultural event aim to introduce to its audiences about five hidden museums in London. Most of the information will be hidden based on the concept. Therefore people have to start an adventure and to explore the museums themselves, by purchasing a ticket online and get the ticket package. These five museums are in a head-to-tail circle. Therefore people can choose to start from any museum (depends on the random poster included in the purchased package). 

整個活動分為線下和線上板塊,線上板塊分別是官方網站與官方 Instagram 賬號,主要作用是製造話題性,吸引更多的參與者;線下板塊分為海報和網上購買後郵寄的門票包裹,包裹中包含一張隨機的迷你海報,一本活動宣傳冊,相應的門票,與一套博物館紀念貼紙。

The event has online and offline sections, for online section, there are an official website and official Instagram page: If someone is interested, then there is a website link in the profile description where people can view the introductions of the museums and purchase their tickets. 

MUSHI -蟲師-

 「在很久以前有一群生物,低等而且離奇,它們與常見的動植物截然不同。這群微妙的成員從遠古以來人們就非常敬畏,不知道從什麼時候開始,稱它們為‘蟲’。」  — 《蟲師》

Research document 調研過程紀錄

Research document 調研過程

《蟲師》中對蟲有個比方:如果把人在自然形態中所處的位置看作是離心臟最近的地方,那蟲就是在手指尖上的生物,他們的形態太過純粹基礎,以至於像是在跟人脫離開來的另外一個次元。這也導致了多數時間,多數人類,蟲都是只能被蟲師所看見的存在,這也是Rossy Liu創作這本書的原因:一本普通人也可以隱約觸摸、感受、看見蟲的書。

MUSHI is a unique life form created in a Japanese manga series called "Mushishi", that appears as "life in its purest form". Most of the time they can't be seen by normal people, which was the reason Rossy want to make this book - Mushi inside it can be seen/felt vaguely by people.

Research document 調研過程


為了避免其他因素的干擾,只集中在蟲的形態和形狀上,也為了更純粹地表現出這些散髮著微光的生物若有若無的特性,MUSHI是一本通體純白的書,書中包括了四種不斷試驗後選擇的工藝:絲網印刷,無箔燙金,凸印和熱粉印刷。整本書的排序使蟲的形態越發明顯,絲網印刷的white on white能通過觸摸和角度調整看到顏料的厚度;無箔燙金使用了日本造紙商Takeo的燙金專用紙Pachika,熱壓以後紙張呈半透明狀;凸印使蟲的不同形狀更為直觀;熱粉印刷則體現了蟲的發光特性。

It's a purely white outcome including four chosen technics after experimenting: screenprint, blind foiling, embossing, and thermal print. Not to only show the concept of indistinctly and gleamingly creatures. But to also avoid interferences, to focus only on Mushi's forms and shapes.

Name:Rossy Liu
2019 London College of Communication GMD

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