Woven Space 三維立體的編織空間

Woven Space

Woven Space is a result of a conceptual weaving method developed by Zengke Jin, which create the woven textile in three-dimension scale, with color and pattern changing through perspective viewings.

Woven Space 是一個從 Zengke Jin 所設計的概念梭織方式⽽發展的系列。Zengke Jin今年2019 皇家藝術學院MA Textiles的畢業生,透過這一種梭織方式將織物面料從結構層面拓展到三維立體的維度,同時創造了一個新的織物空間,在其中⾊彩和紋樣會隨著觀者的視覺角度而變化。

Through six years of studying in textile weave, Zengke has built up her interest toward the light, color, and visual perception, and explore the transformation of two-dimensional textile to three-dimensionality through an experimental and conceptual approach.

通過六年的⾯料梭織訓練和學習,Zengke 逐漸在燈光,色彩以及視覺感知的領域中找到了她⾃⼰的興趣與方向,同時通過實驗性和概念性的⽅式與⽅法探索將織物面料轉變成產品的可能性。

Zengke在中國浙江省出生和長大,2016年倫敦藝術大學紡織設計學士學位。自六年前開始在倫敦學習以來,一直在倫敦從事紡織品工作。 自2013年以來,她建立了自己對光,色和視覺感知的興趣,並通過實驗和概念方法探索了二維紡織品向三維性的轉變。 今年她畢業於皇家藝術學院的研究所Textile Design,曾試圖通過她獨特的編織結構方法來質疑和重新定義紡織紡織品的定義。

Woven Space is also a modular design system where the unit could remain as its own as an object, or being joint together as a piece of interior decoration. Each of the units is uniquely designed with hand-dyed color in laser-cut frost acrylic.

Woven Space 這個系列列同時也應⽤了模塊化設計系統。系列列中的主要產品是由小單元組成的室內裝飾,⽽這些⼩單元自⼰本身也可以單獨作為⼀個產品。每一個單元都有它⾃⼰獨特的設計和染色, 並使用了鐳射切割過的霧⾯壓克力搭建而成。

In this project, Zengke designed three major out-look designs for interior decoration, the Colour Ring, the Curtain Panel and the Long Panel. The Colour Ring is constructed with 16 pieces of 6-repeat,12cm, cube units to create a chromatic colour ring. The Curtain Panel is constructed with 36 pieces of 4-repeat, 8cm, cube units in a design of woven twill pattern. The Long Panel is constructed with 3 pieces of short and 2 pieces of long 4/12-repeat, 8*24*8/24cm, cuboid units.

在這個系列列項⽬目中,Zengke 設計了三個主要的室內裝飾產品,the Colour Ring, the Curtain Panel and the Long Panel。 The Colour Ring 是由 16 件 12cm 大⼩的立⽅體單元組成的色階環。 The Curtain Panel 是由 36 件 8cm ⼤小的⽴⽅體單元組成的斜紋樣立體⾯面板。 The Long Panel 是由 3 件 8*24*8cm 和 2 件 8*24*24cm 的長方體所交替組成。

With a different combination, the units can adapt to space and create various out-looks. And the visual experience is created by the surrounding environment and the viewer's vision.

整個系列列產品可以通過小單元的自由組合,延伸和擴展來適應不同的空間需求,同時創造出多樣的產品外形。 ⽽其中的視覺體驗則是由周遭環境和觀者的角度來共同營造的。

Designed by: Zengke Jin
Photography by Lvqitiao Wang

Zengke Jin曾參與的展覽:Cluster Craft, Ugly Duck, London, 2019; China Craft Week, Hangzhou, China, 2017; SZCW, Shenzhen, China, 2017; Brain Waves, Letheby Gallery, London, 2016; MoOD Brussels Brussels, 2016

Royal College of Art, MA Textiles, 2019
Zengke Jin

Instagram: @jinzengke 
email: zengke.jin@network.rca.ac.uk 


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