Visual identity of China Hungry Ghost Festival
平面設計師 Han Lin 嘗試通過該項目改變中元節在人們心中的刻板印象和封建 迷信。該項目以「PRESENT」為主題創作了一系列鬼節的圖形標識。通過以多 彩的形式呈現一個古老又神秘的話題,設計師希望將年輕一代的文化和傳統重 新聯繫起來。
Graphic designer Han Lin tried to change the stereotypes and feudal superstitions in people's minds through this project. The project created a series of the graphic identity of the Ghost Festival with the theme of "present". By presenting an age-old topic in an exciting format, the designer hopes to re-connect the younger generation with their culture and traditions.
設計 Design
字體和標誌的設計元素結合了蓮花燈、波浪和陰陽太極等代表了中元節的關鍵 元素,還反映了生命週期的關係。
The design elements of the typeface and logo combine lotus lights, waves, and Yin & Yang. The final outcome not only contains the key elements of the hungry ghost festival but also reflects the life cycle relationship.
字體的理念是混合了對比鮮明的直線、角和曲線。每一個單獨的字母都暗含了 蓮花的弧線,筆畫粗細有序。同時,也與標示相呼應。
The idea of the typeface was to mix contrasting straight lines, corners, and curves. Each individual letter has a particular style with both thick and thin strokes. At the same time, the festival elements are combined to make it consistent with the logo.
材料 & 實驗
Materials & Experiments
材料 & 實驗
在傳統文化中,幡旗通常由宣紙或易燃布料製成。在這個項目的設計中, Han 選用了羊毛面料 (mi-linen) 取代傳統紙質媒介,海報和橫幅都是在這種布料上 印刷的。
In traditional culture, Spirit Flags is usually made of rice paper or flammable cloth. In the design of this project, the general paper media was replaced by fabric (mi-linen), and the posters and banners were printed on this kind of cloth.
The fabric contains biological and organic components, so the transfer process needs to pay special attention to the temperature and time.
細節 Details
這個節日很大程度上保留和使用了傳統的傳播方式,受眾人群年齡層為長者居 多,人們並不使用新媒體和社交軟件來推廣它,甚至有些禁忌(如使用手機亂 拍)。因此,在面料上印制橫幅和海報,提高了人們在路上接受信息的可能性 且潛移默化。另一方面,材料的選擇也呼應了幡旗。
This festival largely retains and uses the traditional means of communication, and people don't use new media and social software to promote it. Therefore, during the promotion period, the banner and poster are printed on the fabric, which improves the possibility and willingness of people to receive information on the road. On the other hand, the choice of materials also connects the festival elements -- spirit flag.
倫敦藝術大學 - 平面與多媒體設計 — 林含
University of the Arts London (LCC)
Graphic &Media Design — Han Lin
E-mail : linhan4527@163.com
Behance : https://www.behance.net/betterhanlin
instagram : @betterhanlin