The Silent Speaker 沉默的音箱 - Changkun Lin

這具實驗性與議題性的畢業設計作品是來自今年剛從倫藝大中央聖馬丁工業設計碩士MAID的學生Changkun Lin的作品。首先,他假設當年蘇聯沒有解體,在這一反歷史的未來下,智能音箱會變成什麽樣? 以此問題延伸出他的畢業設計,並且探討人與產品的相互關係。


What if the Soviet Union did not collapse, in a future of this counterfactual history, what will AI assistance look like? 

Fig.1.1  The Silent Speaker 沉默的音箱

在這個項目裏,Changkun Lin 運用反歷史的思維方式,假設蘇聯沒有解體,進而不斷發展出一個虛擬存在的蘇聯未來,以及其意識形態和政策對產品和人民生活的影響。‘沉默的音箱’便處於這一虛構的未來 中,由於高度調控的經濟模式,蘇聯擁有了大規模的計劃商品市場。所有的生產和消費都由國家統一調控。 

In this project, Changkun used counterfactual thinking to speculate a fictional Soviet state and the ideological impact on products and citizens. The Silent Speaker is situated in this alternate future. Due to the highly planned economy policy, Soviet Union owns the biggest controlled commodity market in the world. All production and consumption of goods are regulated by the state.

Fig.1.2 Service Map of national AI assistance 

‘沉默的音箱’是‘國家信息交流系統’的外號,是一個全國性的智能語音助手系統。得益於其高度自動化的 信息采集(DNA)和回饋機制,它能夠瞭解全體國民的需求。國家根據國民社會階層的不同進而分配不同功能的音箱,功能的差異體現在操控的旋鈕和按鈕上。通常來説,音箱需要 24 小時啓動,隨著社會等級提高,它便會擁有更多的功能。 

The Silent Speaker is the nickname of Domestic Communication System, which is a national AI assistance under a high level of control. Hype automatic providing information and service to every citizen. It knows all users’ needs by their DNA and database. The state allocates different speaker based on social classes. The operational buttons and knobs are customised to fit different stratum. Normally, the speaker should be turned on 24 hours. With stratum getting higher, it can have a higher function. 

Fig.1.3 Functions of different components 

音箱以唾液作爲啓動開關,儅沾上用戶的口水后,開始識別其中包含的 DNA 信息,與國家數據庫交換數據,進而確定該用戶的身份,社會階層以及當天的日程安排及控制行爲。 

The speaker used saliva as a key to identify user’s DNA information, after recognition of its saliva, starting to transmit data with the national database, to ensure the profile and social class of user.

Fig.2.1 Farmer Class 


Farmer Class: Only allowed to receive commands, for example, daily schedule, foods, shopping choice… 

Fig.2.2 Labour Class 


Labour Class: Receiving the same level of commands with a rotary knob, which can control the volume in a short time. 

Fig.2.3 Intelligentsia Class 


Intelligentsia Class: Adding a music button to have a moment to enjoy the relaxing music. 

Fig.2.4 Bureaucracy Class 


Bureaucracy Class: Having the highest authority: switch knob, can permanently switch off the speaker. 


Living in this highly controlled society, citizens are encouraged to be the same. As a revolt, citizens begin to hack the speaker, by using their raw intelligence and hand skills, to break the system. Raw materials and random structure with some simple changes to show their own identity and value of creativity. 

Fig.3 Propaganda Posters of hacking 

不同的社會階級對音箱產生了不同的駭客行爲,如農民階級運用手邊的農耕材料將智能音箱改造為稻草人守護農田;知識分子運用自身科學知識製造了口水收集器,以此欺騙機器的識別功能。Changkun 運用蘇聯時期流行的宣傳(Propaganda)風格海報來體現各種不同樣的反抗行爲。 

Different social classes react with different hacking action, such as framer used agricultural materials to change the speaker into a scarecrow to defend the cropland; Intelligentsia used their scientific knowledge to build a saliva collector to fraud machine’s function. Changkun used the propaganda-style posters to show these chain reactions of citizens. 

在這個虛構的社會裏,我們看到了被控制下的科技產品和伴隨階級所產生的顛覆機制。Changkun 試圖用這個項目去喚起人們對於自身創造力和身份認同的反思,在科技和消費主義高達發展的當下,通過對運用獨立局部主義(Adhocism)精神下民衆駭客行爲的贊頌,以此强調控制下的反叛精神對自身身份認 同和創造力的重要性。 

Here we see the issued AI and consequent mechanisms of subversion applied through the hierarchical strata of a fictional state. Changkun tried to take this project to awake people’s creativity and self-identity. In this highly developed technology and consumerist society, using the spirit of Adhocism to highlight citizens’ hacking behaviours. To empathises the important relationship between revolt spirit and control.

Changkun Lin 林 昌 坤


Central Saint Martins - University of the Arts London 

A Technology Hunter, Speculative Author and Day Dreamer.
Currently learning MA Industrial Design course at Central Saint Martins.​ 
Starting LINS design studio with Zijie Lin.


Future of Money Design Award, Grand Prize, 2019
HCZ Cup, Bronze Award, 2017
iF Talent Award, 2017
UXD Award, Third Prize, 2016


The Financial Crime of the Future, Money 20/20 Europe, Amsterdam, 2019
Institute of Transformation, CitixLab, TED x London, 2019
Digital Futures: Future Food, Victoria and Albert Museum, London, 2018
HCZ Cup Excellent Design Exhibition, Quanzhou Arts and Crafts College, Quanzhou, 2017

arts x materials 材料研究室歡迎不同合作方式


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