防疫新設計 - 奇夢籽環保抗菌補充罐 Antibacterial Concentrate Bottle

Baby's Shield
Industrial Design for Antibacterial Concentrate Bottle

新創設計公司 Huemon 奇夢籽社計近期受委託協助開發一款能夠展現客戶品牌價值的抗菌液補充罐器設計,讓客戶不受公版限制,展現自己的產品外觀形象進而提升的品牌識別度。




There are more and more brands that are producing antibacterial products as people nowadays are taking personal hygiene seriously. Unlike other standardized bottles, we were tasked by our client to design a concentrated bottle that could manifest their brand values and enhance product recognition. In response to the global zero waste movement, we leveraged plastic, which can be 100% recycled, to design a product that lessens the impact on the environment.

設計使命 - 建立抗菌品牌識別度

Design Mission - Establish an Antibacterial Brand Identity

在一般大眾對抗菌的觀念越來越重視的趨勢下,台灣品牌竄起競爭。奇夢籽 Huemon 受委託協助開發一款能夠展現客戶品牌價值的抗菌液補充罐器設計,讓客戶不受公版限制,展現自己的產品外觀形象進而提升的品牌識別度。


Good design can enhance brand identity and product recognition

The industrial design builds product image

The most direct way to increase brand distinctiveness is to change its appearance. People can only differentiate a product from its name in the sales channel as most products are designed in a standardized template. Unlike other brands, we put customers into consideration by refining both the size and style of the bottle and its cap into squircle shape so that they have more space for storage. Furthermore, the ‘Shield’ bottle cap is designed as a measuring cup which reduces time-consuming steps.

Design Features 設計亮點使用更簡便- 盾牌量杯瓶蓋

Squircle shaped bottle – A more space-saving bottle

奇夢籽瓶蓋設計目標重視使用者體驗,簡化流程且提升使用便利性。我們將瓶蓋設計成兩種容量的量杯樣式,10ml 跟 30ml,方便使用者輕鬆分裝稀釋,大大簡化了濃縮液要經過倒取和測量的繁瑣過程。

Design Features - ‘Shield’ bottle cap- Facilitate measurement

The ‘Shield’ bottle cap design shows how HUEMON value customer experience. Therefore, the bottle cap was designed as a measuring cup which can fill in 10ml and 30ml of the concentrate which means that customers can easily measure by pouring the concentrate into the cap then mix with water.

客戶的目標族群為重視家中清潔的女性族群,鑑於女性手感上的細膩,奇夢籽以嬰兒的線條為發想,在瓶身各處做出許多圓潤線條和弧度,讓為求省空間的方形瓶身在外觀上不尖銳且好拿取, 潛移默化消費者像照顧自己小孩一樣,有很溫柔的手感體驗。

Given that the texture of women’s skin is smooth and the target audiences are mainly mums, HUEMON refines the bottle corners less sharp and create lines and curves so that customers could gain a great sensory experience from the sensation given when feeling it. In addition, customers would feel just like looking after their babies when holding the bottle.


A brand story about mums protect their babies


A brand with a strong brand identity can generate the right feeling for customers. The design concept comes from the baby’s flawless skin. HUEMON create lines and curves on the bottle which make it look and

feel like a baby’s skin as the target audiences are mainly mums who have a child to take care of. Also, the bottle is tactile and smooth which generates a deep brand impression

維護環境使命 - 環保材質使用

Eco-friendly materials- A mission to protect the environment


HUEMON is experienced in using recycled materials, working with the most professional manufacturer. The product is made from recycled milk bottles and plastic cups which mean it can be 100% recycled, and the design process is in line with the Blue Angel Eco-Label. Thus, it could be an iconic design in Taiwan for using recycled plastics cups and bottles as materials.

新瓶身更節省運送倉儲空間- 圓潤方形瓶身設計

Squircle shaped bottle – A more space-saving bottle

圓潤方形的瓶身除了在外觀上跟其他產品做出了區隔,目的要節省 10%運送和倉儲的空間,使得空間能更有效地被利用。

Squircle shaped bottle can not only help the product stand out but also save space for storage and shipping. Compared to the previous bottle, it can save 10% space per bottle in shipping and storing.


公司於 2014 年成立後,奇夢籽目標建立台灣頂尖的產品設計團隊,以 HUEMON Product Design ™(奇夢籽產品設計方案)協助民生消費品牌開發產品,如 Nike、聯合利華、金色三麥等,並以標準化、快速、品牌化的設計流程為商業模式核心,協助台灣中小企業能透過非傳統階梯式設計合作,來產出對市場環境更好的商品。


透過活力產品設計理念來建立一段友好⼈與物品的關係,讓彼此享受互相成長像依賴 、尊重 、互助 、珍惜等等的情感價值。

HUEMON Product Design Solution

Our design is your creativity having fun!

By creating HUEMON Product Design experience in the consumer goods market and improve the relationship between human and objects, we can both enjoy the presence of a happy, sharing and long-lasting value to each other.


arts x materials 材料研究室歡迎不同合作方式

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Location: Taipei, Taiwan

