Unexpected yet nice touch 是 織品設計師 Tsai-Chieh (Ievy) Lin 於2018 英國皇家藝術學院 Royal College of Art 紡織設計研究所 MA Textiles的畢業作品。這是Ievy Lin 透過探索觸覺的方式所發展的新的梭織系列,透過這一種梭織方式將織物面料從結構層面拓展到人類五感的維度,同時創造了一系列新的織物,並在其中讓觸摸布料時,讓人探詢視覺與觸覺的交互關係。
Tsai-Chieh’s explores the question of the sense of sight and tactile. The question is ‘ are you sure that what you see the same as you touch?’ Therefore, her concept is pursuing a contrast, surprising tactile experience, and find a sense of unexpected in materiality. As she seeks ways to reflect the honest material, craftsmanship and promote connection.
Ievy Lin 從以上兩個問題為出發點,透過問問題的方式來開始她的設計旅程。她作品的概念是追求觸感的對比和一種能令人感覺驚訝的觸覺體驗,並在物質上找到意想不到的觸摸感覺。當她透過紡織設法將想法反映在真實的材料上時,工藝與設計因此產生了聯繫。並且在議題上她同時探索時間和負面空間的使用。
She explores time and negative space. In relation to the sense of touch, she also concerns the material, color, weight and finishes to transform the idea of unsure. With the aim to allow the viewer a form of irrational juxtaposition such as dream, surprising tactile interaction and gap inquiry are captured in the use of color, texture, and pattern.
其中一件作品,幻覺 Illusion 的詩意:這是一個小故事 - 黑色和白色 - 有點超現實,有點奇怪並帶有意想不到的黑白視覺,但是觸感很好,當您觸摸它時,它是抽象的現狀。
Illusion: One story- black and white- a bit surreal, strange come with black and white unexpected but yet, a nice touch when you touch it, it is abstract.
Illusion: One story- black and white- a bit surreal, strange come with black and white unexpected but yet, a nice touch when you touch it, it is abstract.
第二個抽象詩意故事 – 夢想成真:它真的很有趣,色彩大膽,吸引人,有點奇怪。選擇大膽的顏色,主要是因為它想讓此作品變為更真實,是微妙的,大氣的,抽象的。就在那兒,這是真實的,在你的臉上你無法擺脫它們。 透過colore非常大膽而活潑使用。透過突出的紋理和結構來重新詮釋設計作品。
Second story – a dream comes to reality, it really intriguing, bold color, attractive a bit strange. Choose bold color because it becomes real, no longer subtle, atmospheric, abstract. Just there, it is real, in your face, you cannot get away from them. color is quite bold and vivid. No prominent. This texture and structure you use here interpretation.
Tsai-Chieh (Ievy) Lin 目前是一名專門從事多年工作的織紡織品的紡織與視覺設計師。她目前使用多種材料,旨在創造一種讓人驚艷的觸感織織物。Ievy常受到日常物品的質地和材料的啟發,以創造新的觸摸質量的詮釋。
Tsai-Chieh (Ievy) Lin is a textile designer specializing in woven textiles. She currently works with multiple materials and aims to create a sense of tactile woven fabrics. She always inspires by the textures and materials of everyday objects. My works highlight the possibilities of different material combinations and the interpretations of the quality of touch.
Designed by: Tsai-Chieh (Ievy) Lin
Photography by Tsai-Chieh (Ievy) Lin
Royal College of Art, MA Textiles, 2018