香港博物館 A Museum of Hong Kong - Eugene 謝逸之

作為一個建築師,Eugene 謝逸之指出必須去權衡要保留的事物,並為將要改變的東西引伸出新的定義。

香港博物館(A Museum of Hong Kong)是為一國一制之下的未來的香港所設計的;而設計的成果是一個包含中國基礎的香港的現實。建築中的現實性基礎通過建築符號來表達。透過提出“什麼是香港?”,“香港應該記住些甚麼?”和“香港應該忘記些甚麼?”等問題,解決香港建築師在現代國際背景下設計文化認同感的鬥爭。

香港博物館位於香港西九文化區,選址是大都會建築事務所(OMA)的落選方案。了解落選方案為什麼從未實現的歷史有助於通過回答現在如何以及為何值得實現來塑造項目。西九文化區(West Kowloon Cultural District)位於香港西九龍填海區臨海地段的約40公頃土地,面向維多利亞港,並將會是集結一系列世界級文化、藝術、潮流、消費及大眾娛樂為一體的綜合文化主要場地,核心設施包括劇院、博物館、演藝場館、劇場及廣場等共17座,旨意提高香港文化的水平及世界地位。

在當今香港的社會政治挑戰下,此項目試圖通過建築手段重新臧否香港的定義和價值。香港博物館計劃將聯合國教科文組織(UNESCO)總部由法國巴黎搬遷至中國香港,它將位於香港故宮文化博物館(Hong Kong Palace Museum)的基地內,在現代主義和歷史主義之間保持平衡,總體規劃上創造了一個既是中國化的香港形式,也是香港化的國際形式。

這種特別的香港形式使其建築的空間能以中式與西方分別的多點透視和平行等角投影所體驗,也正正引證了庫哈斯(Rem Koolhaas)所提出的香港矛盾現象︰香港越是吸收外來文化,越能成就自己的特色面貌。


畢竟現時在香港要研究我們本土的歷史和文化,比以往任何時期都更加艱難 - 我們的現實正在混沌。而在中國,建築師在建築的死亡谷的陰影下瘋狂地散步之時,我們似乎永遠處於文化生產的同一機制的控制之下。

Once, a city was divided into two parts.
One part became the Good Half, the other part the Bad half.

This time, the inhabitants of the Bad half did not begin to flock to the Good part of the divided city. Instead, they built a Museum to vitrine artefacts from the Good half.

 If this situation would have been allowed to continue forever, the Bad half would have had an infinite amount of artefacts from the Good half, while the Good half would have either been turned into a Bad half, or an even Better half, which does not really matter to the Bad half now full of Good artefacts.

The Artefacts were masterpieces.

Originally not more than some pretty pieces of objet d’art, abruptly dropped within the imaginary border of the displaying plinths and drawing frames, its psychological and symbolic effects were infinitely more powerful than its physical appearance.

But the fortification of the Good half now could be glimpsed over the approachable clearance from a delightful distance behind the exhibiting glass, became only more enshrined.

Those visiting, rally around in the Museum of the supposed gloomy Bad half, became obsessed with modest plans for contend.

Complete hopefulness reigned supreme inside the Museum.

As so often before in the history of Mankind, architecture had been the glorious instrument of this hope.

Architect: Tse Yat Chi Eugene 謝逸之 
HKU BAAS (Hons) Bartlett UCL MArch (Dist) 
Instagram: tseyatchi 

arts x materials 材料研究室歡迎不同合作方式

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