The material fabric of a place can embody stories of change and movements of groups. The project is broken down into three parts for more in-depth project development.
Anqi Liu, Angela ,今年畢業於英國倫敦藝術大學Chelsea College of Arts 切爾西藝術學院BA Interior & Spatial Design,在她的畢業設計中決定主要調查倫敦東區的紅磚巷(Brick Lane)長年積累的歷史紋理。藉此撥開Brick Lane及其周邊的表象,紀錄了那些組成這些空間與領地的元素。
在設計的第一階段,她揭露了位於倫敦東區的紅磚巷(Brick Lane)長年積累的歷史紋理,Angela決定主要調查此處的實體建物與材質結構。她所製造出的實體檔案是新與舊之間的對話;檢視並撥開Brick Lane及其周邊的表象,紀錄了那些組成這些空間與領地的元素。這些得到的資料都成為了接下來在第 2 部分中策展的基石。
In act 1 by uncovering the layers of history accrued within Brick Lane, I decided to focus on the physical structures and material fabric of Brick Lane. The physical archive I developed was a negotiation between the old and new, examining and unpeeling the surfaces to document what makes up these spaces and territories. Which then transforms into the curation of exhibition space in act 2.

位於 Brick Lane 進行的攝影也是實地考察的方式之一。這些照片在觀察是什麼因素在交集著,並造就出此區域的材質,空間領地的不同,氛圍的不同及人文的區別等等。
Photographs were taken as part of site research in Brick Lane. Looking at different factors, exchanges that Brick Lane area has such as the decay of materials, spatial boundaries, etc.

以上圖片展示了手冊上的一範例頁面 — 在Angela 製作的手冊中描繪與敘述了 Brick Lane 的材質歷史,以及收集到之材質資訊。製造出的實體檔案庫於 Tate Modern 美術館展出。
Sample pages of the booklet - A booklet was produced to illustrate the material history of Brick Lane, as well as information on each material collected. Material archive exhibited in museum Tate Modern.

根據實體採集到的材料 Angela 也創造出一個概念模型為了探索舊與新之間的關係。她的想法著重於加諸在舊材質上的新材質,石膏代表著新材質而木頭代表著舊材質,從而這個模型代表的是新材質與原有已經老化的磚塊間的關係。閱覽者可以想像當這種對話被呈現於展覽空間中會是什麼樣的。
A test model was created to explore the relationship between old and new. The idea is a new material applied to old material. Also, it is about the relationship of a plaster-like new material in contrast to brick-like decayed material. It can be imagined when this kind of relationship being applied in exhibition spaces.
在第 2 部分中,Angela 在與其他同學在與Tate Modern美術館Tate exchange的合作下, 將之前對Brick Lane的調查介紹給了更多人。並將訪客體驗、展覽與觀眾間的關係、資訊呈現、故事架構等因素納入了策展中的考量。
Act 2: In act 2, I translated my understandings of the site to a wider audience through collaboration with Tate exchange, this is done with the rest of the classmates. Considering the user experience, relationships between exhibit and viewer, projection of information, framing of stories and trajectories through information.

展覽概念 1 ,為打造一個具敘事性、互動性及趣味性的空間,探討空間的尺度與材質性。空間經由材質的大小及層級,以及展示物件與觀眾的連結來描繪出尺度的改變。空間中有來自 Brick Lane 的各種材質,以階級和層次感的方式呈現給參觀者,同時也有不同高度的裸露結構來展示展覽物件。
Exhibition idea 1 was a narrative, interactive and playful space playing with scale and material qualities. Changes of scale are shown through the sizes and levels of materials also the relationship of displayed objects with the people. Space will have different levels of materials extruding from the floor symbolizing materials from Brick Lane, but also with different levels of plain structures to display exhibition objects.

展覽概念 2,她想打造不同獨立的圓形空間讓觀眾體驗 Brick lane 的材質感。空間中的圓弧形座位排列跟著展覽空間一起創造出一種韻律與動態。每個圓圈室內都能展示繪圖與物件。此處也散佈著細長的柱子,從而影響著人群的活動和視野。
Exhibition idea 2 I thought of creating individual circular spaces for visitors to experience the materiality of Bricklane. Space also has a sense of rhythm and movement by placing arc-like and circular seating spaces. Also, there are thin walls around each circle for exhibiting other drawings and objects. Space also has thin concrete pillars scattered around, this can affect how people move within the space.
而在第3部分:Angela 認為在第 1 及第 2 部分中所做出的深入研究探討著建築保護與留存的議題,讓她聯想到建築的過去也能成為建築的現在。在第 3 部分中她重新回到 Brick Lane,並用研究的結果重新規劃和設計了一個交流場域,這最後一部分也點到了項目的主題。
Act 3: I think the complex inquiries of act 1 & 2 could lead to the questioning of architecture conservation and preservation, which could describe a building’s past can be the present. In act 3, returning to Brick Lane I used my findings to re-choreograph a new site of exchange. Focusing on architectural exchanges such as facadism and transparency I proposed how existing materials and surfaces can be choreographed for new encounters.

By redesigning the existing restaurant building the new space considered the mix-use restaurant and previously designed exhibition spaces. By working on the existing volume and designing new architectural moments exploring facadism or simplifying and using new materials within the context, space supports playful experiences of accessible dining and calming places for sitting, through transparency and improved circulation within the crowded context. Which also promotes social interactions.

A void designed on the roof to allow natural lights to enter the building, into the courtyard, dining spaces, and the shop and gallery.

Divided and cut into the building to allow unexpected social encounters. Also, create more circulation within the context, as well as allowing a more lively and engaging atmosphere to the interior and environment. The facades created to allow unexpected pathways and outdoor interior spaces for the users.

在最後階段,項目地點 Artillery passage 是一條繁忙的街道,Angela 的設計位於街的入口處,身處 紅磚巷Brick Lane 及 市場Spitalfields market 的周圍。
Artillery passage is a busy street, the building is located at the entrance to the passage with the surrounding context of Brick Lane and Spitalfields market.
The design allowed unexpected encounters between people, creating somewhere to be calm and relaxed in a busy environment. And somewhere to have a unique dining experience.
The location of the design also introduced a different urban view in an urban context.
Anqi Liu, Angela
英國倫敦藝術大學 切爾斯藝術學院
Chelsea College of Arts
BA Interior & Spatial Design
Email: angelaananliu@gmail.com
arts x materials 材料研究室歡迎不同合作方式