Jingsi Wang 是一位紡織品設計師。
今年 2017 畢業於切爾西藝術學院(UAL)織品設計 textile 碩士學位。
這件作品的靈感是她來自中國傳統宗教,道教,古代著名的故事“八仙過海”。 該使用故事性的方式將透過不朽的故事進行織品設計。 會選擇這故事是因為,“八仙過海” 意味著家庭永遠有幸福與和平。
The inspiration is from the Chinese traditional religion of Taoism, a well-known ancient story called ‘Ba Xian Guo Hai’ or ‘the Eight Immortals crossing the sea’. The pattern uses the tools belonging to the immortals for interior design. It means the family will have happiness and peace forever.
她認為設計作為一種藝術表現形式,已成為與文化密切相關的社會標籤,它成為大量文化探索的表現。設計在現代社會中,意味著要抓住思想,創新和企業。跟據Heim textil的主題介紹,這些年來文化探索也成為重要的主題,提出了當代設計中如何使用傳統文化的問題。
Design, as an artistic expression, has become a label of the society which is interrelated with culture closely. It becomes a presentation of a large process of cultural exploration which means to capture ideation, innovation and enterprise. According to the Heimtextil theme park, cultural exploration also becomes a key issue in these years, asking questions about how traditional culture is used in contemporary design.
Jingsi Wang 的設計主題是如何將中國傳統文化運用進現代設計產品中,並能反映和促進文化遺產的設計。
Currently, new designs take elements from ancient techniques and traditional patterns and merge them with modern skills as designers are aware that their work serves contemporary consumers. Therefore, a new style of productions emerges the cultural and creative production. I would like to create a design which can reflect and promote the cultural heritage of my own nation. I would like to use design to describe Chinese history and culture.
The inspiration of the work is based on the Chinese traditional and indigenous religion of Taoism. The design takes ideas from the Taoist representation of Ba Xian, and its well-known ancient story called ‘Ba Xian Guo Hai’ or ‘the Eight Immortals crossing the sea’.
The pattern design uses the tools belonging to the immortals, called ‘An Ba Xian’ in Chinese, which is usually used in interior design. It means that the family will have good fortune and peace forever. This project is textile wall ornament made of a natural material of cork fabric, silk thread and recycled paper folding fans. It is an upcycling work by hand embroidery.
Project Designer:Jingsi Wang
Special Thanks: Jingsi Wang
arts x materials 材料研究室歡迎不同合作方式,聯絡請洽Email.